How Many Calories Are in

Scrambled eggs calorie count

LiveStrong Calorie TrackerHigh in protein and reduced in carbohydrates, scrambled eggs can provide a great, naturally healthy begin to your entire day. They are able to also be the most important section of meals that's relatively lower in calories. The fat matter varies according to the way the eggs have decided, that make an improvement in nutritional value.

Two large scrambled eggs have actually 182 calories. Of this total, 120 calories, or about two-thirds, come from fat. Just 37 calories, or about 20 percent, come from concentrated fat; the others come from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Around one-third of the calories in scrambled eggs result from necessary protein, with not as much as 1 percent of calories from carbohydrates.

Fast-food scrambled eggs contain much more calories, at 204 per two-egg portion. About one-third of those calories are from necessary protein, and about two-thirds are from fat. Of this complete calories, 26 % originates from saturated fat, which presents a greater fat content compared to fresh eggs. Carb amounts are negligible at lower than 1 percent.

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